Tennis Themes
Weekend- or 5-day-seminars, backhand specials or “brush-up-your-service”-days… we got something for everyone. Look here for our offers.
Weekend- or 5-day-seminars, backhand specials or “brush-up-your-service”-days… we got something for everyone. Look here for our offers.
Learn to play tennis with other players in your age.
You are already training in a group, but want that little extra that brings you to level with the others? Ask us!
Expand your tennis-specific and physical abilities. We teach everything about the special strokes of the game and when to use them.
Hone your extensive skills in order to succeed at the most challenging tournaments. The No.s 5, 9 snd 17 of the ladies rankings in Berlin-Brandenburg rely on our expertise.
Tennis training the classical way. For one or two players.
Nach Möglichkeit versuchen wir Sie in fortlaufende Kurse zu integrieren oder bauen neue Kurse auf.
Aber insbesondere unsere Platzressourcen sind natürlich limitiert.